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What is Brahmasthan in Vastu? It is auspicious to keep the Brahmasthan of your house clean.

Brahmasthan in vastu In the same way that the navel is regarded the main point of the human body, Brahmasthan is considered the focal point of the building in colloquial language. The centre has long been a significant location. That is why Brahmasthan is given so much value in Vastu Shastra. If the building's Brahmasthan is proper, good energy will flow continuously, people will be healthy, and the house will be prosperous. Sanatan Shastri, a Vastu specialist, discusses the significance of Brahmasthan.   In any home, Brahmasthan is quite significant. The house's central point. Energy travels throughout the home from this location. It is regarded as the Sun's location according to Vastu Shastra. To find the centre point of your home, Divide the length of a land or home into three sections to get the Brahmasthan. After that, split its width into four equal sections and connect them with lines so that they form a square. Nine squares or rectangles will be generated as a r

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